LIFE Association Membership Terms & Conditions
LIFE Association, Inc. (“LIFE”) provides you with benefits and services designed to enhance your life and stretch the value of your hard-earned dollars. Once a LIFE Member, a variety of Association products, services and group insurance plans are available for consideration.
Membership in LIFE Association, Inc. will be effective the date of the enrollment and collection of the first dues.
Collection of Membership Dues:
LIFE Association, Inc. may collect Membership Dues or may utilize a licensed Third-Party Administrator (TPA). Selected TPA shall agree to administer its duties pursuant to all terms in the Agreement.
During the term of your Membership, your Association is required by regulators to maintain regular contact. Some of the items you may receive via email are:
• LIFE Association Quarterly Newsletters
• LIFE Association Notices of Membership Meetings
• LIFE Association Notices of Special Offers to Members
In regard to your participation as a member of LIFE Association, Inc. (the “Association”) you appoint the Secretary of the Association in office at any particular time as your proxy to receive notice of and attend all meetings of the members and vote on your behalf and to otherwise act for you in the same manner and with the same effect as if you were personally present. This proxy shall be valid until revoked by you at any time prior to voting at any meeting, by executing and delivering a written notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Association, by executing and delivering a subsequently dated proxy to the Secretary of the Association, or by voting in person.
The Association is not an insurer, guarantor or underwriter and does not provide any products, product liability or guarantees for any Member. Providers of products and services are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the Association. The final selection of a provider, facility or merchant and the approval or disapproval of products or services are the Member’s choice alone. The Association and its affiliates do not have the responsibility nor liability for a member or Member’s dependents.
This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Any dispute or claim in law equity arising out of this Agreement or any resulting transaction, including disputes or claims involving the parties to this Agreement, their officers, agents, or employees, shall be submitted to neutral, non-binding mediation prior to the commencement of arbitration, litigation, or any other proceeding before a trier of fact. The parties to the dispute or claim agree to act in good faith to participate in mediation, and to identify a mutually acceptable mediator. If a mediator cannot be agreed upon by the parties, each party shall designate a mediator and those mediators shall select a third mediator who shall act as the neutral mediator, assisting the parties in attempting to reach a resolution. All parties to the mediation shall share equally in its cost. If the dispute or claim is resolved successfully through the mediation, the resolution will be documented by a written agreement executed by all parties. If the mediation does not successfully resolve the dispute or claim, the mediator shall provide written notice to the parties reflecting the same, and the parties may then proceed to seek an alternative form of resolution of the dispute or claim, in accordance with the remaining terms of this Agreement and other rights and remedies afforded to them by law. Exclusive venue for such mediation shall be in Collin County, Texas. Members shall submit all grievances in writing via U.S. Mail to LIFE Association, Inc., 500 N. Central Expressway, Suite 325, Plano, TX 75074. These provisions shall survive termination of membership. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between Members and the Association. There are no warranties, express or implied, other than those expressly stated herein. This Agreement may only be amended in writing by LIFE Association, Inc. which may assign its duties and responsibilities hereunder to third parties.
Release of Medical Information:
By utilizing any benefit or service available through the Association, that requires medical information, Member consents to the release of any and all information related to their utilization of said benefit or service, including but not limited to medical information to the Association. LIFE Association, Inc. (or any third-party vendors of LIFE) utilization of such information shall be limited to the fulfillment of LIFE Associations duties to provide said benefit or service to Members and their family.
Membership Changes:
LIFE may change a membership plan with a 30-day notice to Members. Changes may result in a vendor discontinuing a program, product non-availability or new products to replace low utilization benefits. In such cases, plan notifications, new ID cards and fulfillment will be provided.
Members may cancel their LIFE Association membership at any time by emailing their name and membership ID to or by calling 888-781-0585. Dues will be refunded if cancellation occurs within the first 30 days of membership. There is no return of dues after the first 30 days of membership and no prorated dues or rebates thereafter. Cancellation is effective on the Member’s next payment date. Failure to timely pay credit card company for the payment of membership dues are deemed to be non-payment and cancellation of membership.
Please note that cancellation of membership in LIFE Association, Inc. will also cancel any insurance a member may have through LIFE Association, Inc., Group Insurance Contracts since membership in the Association is required in order to remain eligible for the group insurance.
These Terms & Conditions are subject to change without notice.
LIFE Association, Inc.
500 N. Central Expressway, Ste 325
Plano, TX 75074
LIFE Association, Inc.
2100 Southbridge Parkway, Ste 650
Birmingham, AL 35209